Merci à Madame Cécile Dindar la Préfète de l’Aube d’avoir rendu visite à l’équipe de Damavan Imaging.

La Préfète de l’Aube Cécile Dindar a visité le mercredi 19 juillet les locaux de Damavan Imaging. Une belle opportunité pour présenter la société et échanger sur nos projets. Prefect of Aube Cécile Dindar visited Damavan Imaging on Wednesday, July 19. A great opportunity to present our company and to exchange on the current projects.

New Temporal V3+ at the Élysée Palace

Damavan Imaging has presented the new Temporal V3+ at the Élysée Palace on the exposition « Made in France ». The camera that is capable to detect the trace of natural Uranium in the metal rods at 5 meters distance! Thanks to all our colleagues, partners, friends and curious visitors for the constructive and interesting exchange! Damavan Imaging a présenté la nouvelle Temporal V3+ au Palais de […]

Lauréat Fabriqué en France

Damavan Imaging thanks all the members of the Jury of « Fabriqué en France » for this opportunity to present our Temporal cameras. We are very proud to be a part of this big event !

Damavan Imaging at the 3rd edition of “La Grande Exposition de Fabriqué en France”

Damavan Imaging is invited to present it’s Temporal cameras at the 3rd edition of “La Grande Exposition de Fabriqué en France” that will take place in the Elysée Palace on the 1st & 2nd of July 2023. We are proud to be a part of the 100 French producers selected among 2500 candidates and to represent our department Aube (10). It is a great opportunity for Damavan Imaging […]

Neutron activation & fissile materials

Fissile materials (235U, 241Am, Plutonium…) emit neutrons. Those neutrons are captured in their surrounding and emit prompt gamma rays that Temporal Compton camera detect well. It is imposible to detect directly the weak lines of 235U (185 keV) or Plutonium which are below 300 keV with a compton camera. Anyway those lines are difficult to correctly image with coded mask cameras in realistic situations because they are screened […]

High count rate acquisition

Our camera can be used in the standard mode till 1mSV/h.  At those high count rate, the acquisition time should be short although: you can get 22.000 events in 10 seconds! We have also identified a mode allowing to use our camera at 6msV/h or even 10 mSV/h. This requires a specific hardware and must be specified in your order. On the image below you […]

Damavan Imaging forms part of the Deeptech community

Thank you Bpifrance for this opportunity to share DAMAVAN IMAGING ideas and solutions!

Homeland security and wastes management

Container  with a roughly 1 MBq 60Co source seen from 3m (30’ image)

High quality gamma Imaging

The unique gamma image of 2 60Co sources obtained by Temporal V3: 2 60Co sources in the lab with a large intensity contrast (1 to 8) are clearly separated with an angular separation of 10° ;Activity of the main source 300 kBq ;Distance to main source = 0,8m ;Acquisition duration 1h (in order to get > 500 photons from the weakest source) ;Threshold = 14% […]

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